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Loving Your Prodigal

What can parents do when a child turns her back on family and faith?

H. Norman Wright has written more than 65 books on everything from parenting to pets. But his recent book, Loving a Prodigal (Chariot Victor) is perhaps his most personal. At the age of 20, Wright's daughter, Sheryl, rejected the family's faith and became involved with alcohol, drugs and abusive relationships. Over the next several years, Wright and his wife, Joyce, prayed, cried and struggled to bring their daughter back from a dangerous life. Finally, Sheryl turned her life back over to God.

We talked with Norm Wright to find out why some children turn from their faith and their families and what parents can do to help their children avoid the traps of rebellion.

What do you mean by the term prodigal?

The word is used to describe someone who is extremely wasteful. In the biblical story of the prodigal son, the son wastes his inheritance and so much more. Prodigal children waste the values their parents have worked to instill in them. They waste their potential, their abilities, their health, ...

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