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The Face of the Deep
Rediscovering the Holy Spirit.
Serving from the Spotlight
Servant leadership doesn't mean just setting up the chairs.
Serving the Suburban Poor
We're all richer when we realize that poverty is in the cul-de-sac too.
The Bohemians
Mark Twain and Co. in San Francisco.
Leading the 21st Century Church
Pining for the days of the early church can distract us from leading faithfully today.
The Age of Ambition
Our focus on reaching more people could take our attention away from those God has placed in our midst.
Speak to "Your" People
I'm learning that preaching excellence can't be separated from geography—namely, all the faces in my local church.
The New Televangelists
I had to look past celebrity ministry to learn how to really pastor.
Dallas Willard Changed My Ministry Forever
How I came to see ordinary life, rather than church, as the focus of God's work.
Hot Takes Don’t Belong in Church
Crafting public political statements can detract from the church’s true call.
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