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Thinking Second Corinthianish Thoughts
"Candide" + Wodehouse for contemporary Christian culture.
A Leopard Among the Bannas
Mahay Choramo faced down hardship and violent opposition to the murderous nomads of Ethiopia's southern frontier.
Eliot's Rebellious Heirs
The Confessional poets as closet modernists.
Cassilly's City
Remembering the Gaudí of St. Louis.
Two Kinds of Poems
Rita Dove and Louis Simpson.
A Laureate in Letters
Philip Levine in correspondence, 1994-2011.
Evel Knievel
They say it's your birthday
The charms and annoyances of "collected poems."
Not a Synod but a Salon
The evangelical underground plotted England's and the world's salvation at a London pub.
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