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Christ's Confident Resolve
What Jesus' arrest and trial can teach us about facing opposition.
Repentance Is Both Vertical and Horizontal
Our hearts aren’t prepared for the Lord until they are ready to love others.
Abandon Studying the Historical Jesus? No, We Need Context
A response to 'The Jesus We'll Never Know.'
Dribbling Circles Around Jesus
What did Jesus mean when he said that we would do greater things than he did?—Tyler Willian, Los Angeles, California
When the Media Became a Nuisance
How to respond to the next blockbuster book/documentary/movie that questions traditional Christianity.
Evangelical Views of the 2016 Election: "There are No 'Must' Candidates!" -Darrell Bock
Professor of New Testament Studies articulates the dilemma many Christians face in this election cycle
We would be deluding ourselves if we thought that evangelical thinking in our day has progressed very far.
No More Hollow Jesus
In focusing so intently on Jesus the man, Peter Jennings' report missed the big picture.
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