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Leader's Insight: So Many Christian Infants
Why are we so good at leading people to faith and so bad at prodding them to maturity?
My Faves: The People I Keep
Creating a new cell-phone directory tested my commitment in ways I didn't expect.
Are You a Good Friend?
In a dangerous mountain hike, I discovered what real friendship is.
Leader's Insight: Hearing Voices
How blue tooth technology has me connecting on a spiritual plane.
Leader's Insight: Earth: Love It or Leave It
Conflicting strategies for saving the planet (and its inhabitants).
Leader's Insight: Why Must We Always Criticize?
The tension between honesty, contentment, and encouragement.
From the Macdonald Files
Courage in the Face of Helplessness
Clippings from the MacDonald Files.
The Discipline of Success
What productive leaders can learn from the four-minute mile.
Thickburgers and Thin Sermons
How a fatty cheeseburger prompted meatier messages.
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