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Court Dismisses Atheist Challenge to Filing Exemptions for Churches
Judge cites federal appeals court’s rejection of housing allowance challenge.
5 Church Administration Issues You Need to Know—But Didn’t Learn in Seminary
From child protection to budgets to property and more, why every pastor needs a working knowledge of management matters.
Churches: Note Time-Off Requirements for the Election
Check your state’s statute addressing what employers must provide.
Few Church Leaders Discuss Abuse Crisis Says Pew Research
Most startling is how little church-goers in Protestant faith traditions indicated leaders actively raised the topic.
Assessing US Supreme Court Rulings on Pandemic Restrictions
What the high court’s COVID-19 decisions reveal regarding how government treats churches, businesses, and other organizations.
A Peek Inside How Churches Spend Their Money
How churches spend money is a constant question from Church Law & Tax members and non-members, alike. Note these helpful trends.
New Business Meetings Format
An alternative format may restore the effectiveness of your congregational meetings.
Facing a Financial Crisis
How churches should handle a possible loan default.
Clawing Out of the Recession
How churches are faring during the slow economic recovery.
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