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Abandoning an Incomplete Gospel
How one leader arrived at a more complete understanding of the Word of Life.
The Joy Motor
On my desk, I have a cut-glass vase housing bright yellow daffodils and two small but pungent purple hyacinths.
Letting Joy Grow
What happens when we live God's way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity.
Play With a Purpose
One of my favorite spiritual practices is one you don't hear much about: the practice of play.
What Weighs You Down?
What weighs you down, bends you over, keeps you small? Is it the weight of other people's expectations? Or the burden of trying to make other people happy?
Creative Connection
How I changed my picture of prayer
Playful Faith
Children’s ministry is serious business—that’s why we need to play.
Thriving from 9 to 5
5 surprising ways you can survive—and thrive—in your job
Being a Winnie-the-Pooh in an Eeyore World
In these tough times it's crucial to foster gratitude in our lives.
Seven Personality Traits of Effective Leaders
You can grow into these qualities.
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