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Minister well during a difficult period of grief.
Ministering to Children of Divorce
Start an effective ministry to children with divorced or separated parents.
Redeeming Your Failures
Even in your defeats, God is at work in your ministry and in you.
Suicide: Help for Before and After
Care for people well in this difficult time.
Responding to a Crisis
Be ready when your church leaders need to act under pressure.
Survival Guide: Depression
Give proper help to those dealing with depression.
Shepherding Others
Providing soul care to your church's leaders and congregants.
Spiritual Care
What it means to truly develop Christ-following disciples.
Urgent Care: Pornography & Sexual Addiction
Use these articles to recognize the emotional wounds that make someone especially vulnerable to sexual sin. Study how to reclaim sex for its intended purpose. Consider a special ministry to the spouse of someone trapped in pornography and sexual addiction. Finally, address sexual addiction through small groups and from your church's pulpit.
Urgent Care: Death of a Spouse
Use these articles to develop empathy in your caregivers, a plan for reaching grieving widows and widowers, and to guide the reframing of life that occurs after profound loss.
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