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What Really Counts
Making the days count—how do you do that?
What Weighs You Down?
What weighs you down, bends you over, keeps you small? Is it the weight of other people's expectations? Or the burden of trying to make other people happy?
Who Are You? A Journey in Journaling
A friend and I recently taught a workshop at a weekend women's retreat. The topic? Journaling. What's your gut response to the mention of the practice of journaling?
Work, Worship, Sabbath
Last month, many readers responded to my column on Sabbath. Many of the comments and questions were focused on rules: which day of the week should it be? What should be prohibited?
Your Two Cents Worth
I wonder what the crowd expected to hear from Jesus.
The First Gauge
This article focuses on a reliable tool to help children's ministries see their effectiveness.
One Way to Say It
Sometimes it can be so refreshing to hear a child's perspective!
Becoming an Authentic Leader
Authentic leadership involves more than potential.
Communication As a Team
Once you've recruited volunteers and trained them for each of their positions, how do you form and maintain a strong bond in a group of very diverse people?
Fit for the Adventure
Along the road of life, sometimes you must steer toward a place that you'd rather avoid.
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