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The Poet of Ur: "The Liar’s Lament"
A reflection on the assassins within us all.
Protecting the Pastor's Soul
Practical disciplines to keep church leaders in the race.
(Some) Sinners Welcome
Can a church embrace those on the margins without excluding its core?
Gordon MacDonald: Is Wright Really Wrong?
Could the embattled bombastic preacher have a valid point?
Out of Ur Repents?
Marshall Shelley responds to Willow's Revealing YouTube video.
The Body Broken for Who?
Theologian J. I. Packer on restricting the Lord's Supper
Tuesdays with Tozer- Repentance
What brings a person to a place of repentance?
The Widowmaker Repents
After decades of dysfunction, one church publicly confessed its mistreatment of former ministers.
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