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Give well by saying "no."
A Personal Retreat
Discover the power of the getaway.
Help for the Pastor?s Spouse
Being the pastor's wife isn't an easy job.
Pastor, What Do You Do for Fun?
If you put so much time into ministry that you don't have time for fun, here's why you need to make time.
The Spirituality of Slowing Down and Shutting Up
How do you connect with God in a society of perpetual noise and busyness?
Coming Up for Air
Why church leaders need Marilynne Robinson.
Rest and Sabbath
In a workaholic culture, why should the church talk about work?
The Day I Hit the Wall
A simple question led to a life-defining collapse.
Pour It Out
God doesn't intend pastors to burn out. There's a better way.
Hard Job, High Calling
Reports of clergy attrition are often exaggerated, but pastors still face daunting challenges.
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