We haven't decided yet whether or not we'll have a regular letters section-but we couldn't resist showing you at least a page of the response to our first issue. By actual count, the mail ran more than fifty to one highly favorable. We figured you wouldn't mind, therefore, if we ran just the following selected kudos:
"It's nice to know we're not alone. LEADERSHIP not only described our ministry situation, but gave us workable solutions from those with more experience."
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Doerr | St. Paul, Minnesota
"I rarely read a magazine from cover to cover. However, I was so encouraged, helped, and stimulated by LEADERSHIP that I had to send you a word of sincere thanks."
David D. Allen, Jr. | Richardson, Texas
"We have ordered subscriptions for all four of our staff members. That decision communicates my reaction to your quarterly."
Bruce Bell | Wichita, Kansas
"The cartoons are superb. I can conceive of a publication years hence entitled The Best of LEADERSHIP Humor."
Peter Veltman | Wheaton, Illinois
"My wife hasn't laid the first issue of LEADERSHIP down long enough for me to read it. She's usually not interested in magazines for the clergy, but LEADERSHIP is different. It scratches where you itch."
G.L. Johnson | Fresno, California
"I have marked and underlined my copy. It would have been great to have had such a journal thirtytwo years ago when I first entered the ministry."
J. David Schmidt, Sr.
"I've just reviewed the first issue of LEADERSHIP. I m excited. It has the feel of a management book."
Robert A. Crandall | Winona Lake, Indiana
"Someone "stole" my copy of LEADERSHIP. Would you please send me another?"
Leighton Ford | Charlotte, N. Carolina
"LEADERSHIP is the best practical magazine I've ever read."
Bill Messer | Lawrenceburg, Kansas
"Your promise was fulfilled in the first issue. Theological education isn't enough to prepare us for a thorough understanding of power and authority-the warp and woof of pastoral life."
David C. Fisher | Bloomington, Minnesota
"Thanks for the interview with Fred Smith. I first met him thirteen years ago at a Laymen's Leadership Institute. I'll never forget his definition of hell. He said, 'Hell is having God show you all of the opportunities you missed.'"
Wilbert Eichenberger | Garden Grove, California
"The cartoons are terrific. Are they available to be purchased? I'd like to put them on our bulletin board."
Judson Baldwin | Stuarts Draft, Virginia
"The first issue came while I was out of town. My son saw it first and immediately read "Reflections of a Preacher's Kid." Then my wife saw it and read "Ministers Wives: The Walking Wounded." Finally I got to see it. Thanks for ministering to my family."
Dwight W. Bland | Flint, Michigan
"The first issue is terrific! Enclosed is a check for six more copies."
A. F. Volmer | Los Gatos, California
"Frankly, LEADERSHIP exceeded my expectations-and they were high indeed!"
Ted Engstrom | Monrovia, California
"Every article was well-written and useful. Your format resembles the Harvard Business Review. Excellent!"
Peter T. Simeone
"I'm a charter subscriber to Christianity Today and happy to be the same for LEADERSHIP."
C. Orville Kool | Sioux City, Iowa
"I was so impressed by The Ministry's Gordian Knot that I had excerpts typed up and stenciled for all of our church leaders."
Ron Swafford | Melbourne, Florida
"You have encouraged me to keep LEADERSHIP on my shelf as a permanent reference volume. Keep up the good work."
Max E. Anders | Fayetteville, Georgia
"LEADERSHIP is a publication whose time has come. Solid leadership is greatly lacking in our time and I feel you will help fill the void."
Jim Smoke | Tustin, California
"I hate waiting three months for another issue."
John Records | Oshkosh, Wisconsin
"A busy pastor must decide what materials merit reading time. LEADERSHIP has easily made its way into my schedule."
Forrest N. Stroup | Brandon, Manitoba
Copyright © 1980 by the author or Christianity Today/Leadership Journal. Click here for reprint information on Leadership Journal.