Translations/versions by percent of total Bible sales:
New International Version—40 King James—20 New King James—10 Living Bible—7 New American Standard—5 International Children’s—4 The Message—3.5 New Revised Standard—3 All others—7.5
—Zondervan Publishing cited in USA Today (12/24/96)
Percentage of Americans who believe that “most people can be trusted”: 35
—Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation cited in Harper’s (4/96)
In his “Report to the Entertainment Industry,” Ted Baehr states that in 1995, G-rated movies made 250 percent more in gross profits than R-rated films, while PG-rated movies made 168 percent more.
Baehr also stated that only 35 percent of movies produced in 1995 reflected biblical principles, while 40 percent of the top-ten money-making films reflected such principles.
—SBC Life (1/97)
A recent Business Week poll listed inventions Americans said they couldn’t live without (by percentage):
Automobile—63 Light bulb—54 Telephone—42 Television—22 Aspirin—19 Microwave oven—13 Blow-dryer—7.8 Personal computer—7.6
—Parade (12/29/96)
A new USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll revealed some surprising views on retirement from America’s 77 million baby boomers. Percentage who:
See their relationships with their spouses either improving or remaining stable: 95
Would choose to continue working part- or full-time: 75
Worry about poor health when they are seniors: 47
Fear financial shortfalls in retirement: 31
Eagerly anticipate a chance to travel: 29
Look forward to more time with friends and family: 26
—USA Today (3/7/97)
According to the Research Institute of America’s recent study, here’s what service-providing organizations can expect from dissatisfied customers:
They will hear nothing from 96 percent of customers who receive rude or discourteous service.
Each of these dissatisfied customers will tell his or her story to an average of nine other people.
Of those 4 percent who do voice their dissatisfaction, between 54 and 70 percent will use the organization’s services again if the complaint is resolved. That percentage goes as high as 95 percent if the complaint is resolved quickly.
Sixty-eight percent of those who sever the relationship with the service organization do so because of the organization’s indifference.
—White House Office for Consumer Affairs
1997 by the author or Christianity Today/Leadership Journal. For reprint information call 630-260-6200 or contact us.