In the opening of the animated series “Family Guy,” a couple at the piano complains in song about “violence in movies and sex on TV.” It turns out there’s more than ever to complain about—and not just on their show.
The incidents of nudity on prime-time broadcast TV quadrupled in one year.
The count of “pixelated nudity” increased from 15 scenes in 14 shows during the 2010-2011 TV season to 76 scenes in 37 shows during the TV season that just ended. That’s a 407% increase in a single season.
ABC had the most pixelated scenes with 14, NBC had 12, CBS trailed with seven. The CW and Fox each had only two scenes where full nudity was blocked by blurring part of the image.
The Parents Television Council noted that many incidents occurred as early as 7 p.m. when children might be watching, and only five were on programs labeled “S” for sexual content.
The nudity count did not include animated programs, so Peter and Lois Griffin are safe—for now.
—with info from Baptist Press
Tipping Point
Do you think it should be legal for same-sex couples to marry?
46% – Yes, 44% – No, 10% – I don’t know
Do you believe homosexual behavior is a sin? Yes, said
44% – of U.S. adults 82% – of evangelicals 29% – of non-evangelicals
Would a church’s teaching that homosexuality is a sin affect your involvement with that church? Yes, I’d be less likely to visit or join, said
72% of unchurched 21% of weekly attenders
—In the CBS/New York Times poll reported August 2012
— LifeWay Research survey of 2,000 U.S. adults
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