From Preaching Today
As preachers it's sometimes easy to lose our wonder for God's Word. Sometimes we approach biblical texts with a been-there-done-that attitude. "Yeah, I've read Exodus before. Sure (yawn), I preached the Resurrection last year. I guess I have to do Romans again." We need help to see and then talk about God's Word in a way that's fresh and alive. Then we can ask the Holy Spirit to enable our people to hear God's Word with wonder and excitement—even if they've heard the story of our text a dozen times before. No matter how many times you have preached on a particular Bible text, there are new riches waiting to be discovered and proclaimed.
Financing a Church Building Project
When beginning a building project it can be hard to find funding or even knowing where to begin the capital campaign. The Church Finance Today newsletter provides you with this training resource. It provides helpful ideas and creative places to look for funding. It will also help guide your process for getting your building project funded. From donations to borrowing to finding grants, this download will help answer common questions church leaders have when it comes to obtaining the money for these expensive projects.
Developing an Arts Ministry
Art plays an integral role in shaping culture, both in and out of the church. If we are not actively engaging the arts in our worship services, we are missing out on a major opportunity to draw people into the story of God and to worship him with the best we have to offer. An effective arts ministry involves a vision for the role of the arts in the church and a plan for ministering not only through but also to the artists in the church. With this resource you will learn to discover how to enhance your worship with art and empower artists in your congregation to make beautiful works for the Lord.
Creativity and Leadership
Creativity is far more than being good with a glue gun. In leadership, we can employ creativity by being willing to swap traditional ways for new or unique approaches in order to spark fresh meaning—even to old ideas. As leaders we need creativity. And thankfully, we're plugged into a Creator who has all the inventive energy that we need. More than that, we're made in his image (Genesis 1:27); imagination and originality are written into each one of us. We have all we need to accomplish God's will with passion and innovation in our areas of influence. In this download, you'll find insights to help you evaluate what creativity is, how it fits into leadership, and how you can go about implementing it.
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