Take a moment to pause, reflect, and introspect. These questions are meant to be a compass, helping you discover the path toward joy and wonder.
What are my rhythms of sleep and exercise? Are they right for the season I’m in?
What aspects of my life and ministry spark joy? How do I regularly make space for these things?
What spiritual practices nourish my soul and connection to God? Am I engaging in those?
What unrealistic expectations do I have of myself, my ministry, or my church? How do these contribute to me feeling overwhelmed?
How do I (or can I) make space for creative pursuits that refresh my soul and perspective?
What do I feel from and toward God right now? Do I feel free to express those feelings to God openly and honestly?
Is there something tough in my ministry or life that I have not fully lamented?
How attached to my devices am I? When can I schedule times to unplug?
How do I prioritize building meaningful relationships outside of my congregation?
In what ways do I feel alone in bearing the responsibility for my church? Who can bear this with me?
When and where can I seek professional support or mentorship to address challenges in ministry or personal life?