Articles in this Issue
Education and the Media
The puppet regime.
Occupying Anarchism
“The moral vanguard of change.”
The Real Presence of Hope & Love
The Christocentric legacy of Benedict XVI.
Mother Mary
A 7th-century biography.
Not Real Simple
The appeal of Amish romance novels.
War Work
Margaret Mead, reassessed.
The Strange Story of Sergei Kourdakov
A Cold War morality play—with a twist.
Evangelicals and Moral Ambition
Tensions in pursuing “social justice.”
The Cell Phone Gospel
What changes—and what doesn’t.
Civil Society and Creation Order
Dooyeweerd’s vision.
Reconciliation, Justice, and Mercy
An alternative to “liberal peace.”
Exploring Adoption
Are evangelicals doing more harm than good?
Reduced Freedoms?
The European trajectory.
A Clash of Pentecosts
French Catholicism and the secular state.
Beyond Logistics
Food as an instrument of modern warfare.
God’s Diplomat
Dag Hammarsjkold.
The Wonder of Malick
Light does shine still.
The Princeton Tradition
Protestantism and higher education.
Ghosts of Princeton Past
“A walled city against materialism.”