Articles in this Issue
Another Winter in Boston
Personal reflections, in Finney’s own words, about, among other things, his relationship with God, his baptism in the Holy Ghost, Heaven & Hell, perfect peace & blessedness, and his inward struggles with the death of his first wife.
Pastoral Guidance for Far-from-Perfect Young Ministers
As the outstanding preacher and pastor on the Oberlin faculty, Finney gave numerous pastoral lectures on the proper manners of ministers. Much of his advice was on relating to the opposite sex, but he also directed those young men under his care on personal conduct and cleanliness. Fortunately for us some notes by his students remain to inform us of these priceless lessons—laughter was, no doubt, not. unknown in Mr. Finney’s classrooms. This excerpt is from Fletcher’s History of Oberlin College.
Charles Grandison Finney: Christian History Timeline – Finney Against a Backdrop of 19th Century America & the World
Finney against a backdrop of the 19th Century America & the World
Sailing for the Kingdom of God
Finney and 19th-Century Trans-atlantic Revivalism
The Blessing of Abraham
Finney’s Christian Perfection
The Making of a Revivalist
Finney and the heritage of Edwards