Articles in this Issue
Charles H. Spurgeon: Did You Know?
A collection of true and unusual facts about Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The Life & Times of Charles H. Spurgeon
He was the quintessential Victorian Englishman, yet his masterful preaching astonished his era—and lives long beyond it.
Spurgeon’s Conversion
The story he told over 280 times in his sermons
Sayings of Spurgeon
A sampling of his wisdom and wit
The Secrets of Spurgeon’s Preaching
Why would thousands come to hear him speak?
Compel Them to Come In
An earnest evangelistic appeal from the Prince of Preachers
The Anguish and Agonies of Charles Spurgeon
Debilitating gout, poisonous slander, recurring depression—Spurgeon suffered them all. What happened to his faith as a result?
What Did Spurgeon Believe?
He insisted on thinking through his theology for himself—and often found himself out of step with his age.
The Down-Grade Controversy
What caused Spurgeon to start the most bitter fight of his life?
Charles Spurgeon and the Case for Child Care
Spurgeon’s vision for needs-based care still persists today.
Charles H. Spurgeon: A Gallery of Famous Friends
Eric W. Hayden, formerly minister at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, is the author of numerous books on Spurgeon, including Searchlight on Spurgeon (Pilgrim, 1973).
The Political Force
Spurgeon often got in the middle of hot national issues.
Spurgeon’s College
His innovative school for training pastors continues nearly 150 years later.