Articles in this Issue
St. Patrick and Celtic Christianity: Did You Know?
For a culture so reputedly bloodthirsty and ‘barbarian,’ the Celts were surpringsly winsome.
Patrick and Celtic Christianity: From the Editor
A Tradition for Neo-Pagan Times
Patrick the Saint
Behind the fanciful legends of the fifth-century British missionary stands a man worthy of embellishment.
Ending Human Sacrifice
How Patrick may have convinced the Celts to turn from ritual killings to the one who died for all.
Rooted in the Tradition
Celtic Christianity is not as theologically unique as many have supposed.
Ascetic Superstars
Irish monks and nuns are famous for their spiritual heroics.
Iona’s Tough Dove
Though named for a gentle bird, the ascetic Columba wielded enormous influence with chieftans and kings—even after he died.
The Festive Abbess
Legendary Brigit brought joy and the burning presence of God.
I Rise Today
The most famous Celtic prayer shows why the Celts are known for exalting both creation and the Creator.
Patrick and Celtic Christianity: A Gallery of Extravagant Tales of Remarkable Faith
The legendary exploits of four early Celtic leaders.
Be Thou My Vision
One of today’s popular hymns began as a medieval Irish prayer.
Culture Clash
What happened when Roman and Celtic Christianity squared off at the Synod of Whitby?
The Fury of the Northmen
The Viking invasions destroyed the glory of Celtic monasticism.
The Link: Modern Myths of the Medieval Past
Much that is heralded as Celtic Christianity today is neither Celtic nor Christian.
Patrick and Celtic Christianity: Recommended Resources
Patrick and Celtic Christianity