Articles in this Issue
Christians & Muslims: Did You Know?
Unusual fruits of Western encounters with Islam.
Christians & Muslims: From the Editor – The Cover’s Story
A picture of Hagia Sophia, heavy with Christian and Islamic symbolism, speaks of centuries of ambition, sorrow, and bad faith.
Muhammad amid the Faiths
The prophet’s interactions with paganism, Judaism, and Christianity birthed puzzling prophecies and a legacy of strife.
Islam 101
Basics of a foreign faith
Secrets of Islam’s Success
It spread faster than any other religion in history. Here are some reasons why.
The Pact of Umar
Islamic protection came with a price.
A Deadly Give and Take
Crusaders fought many terrible battles in the Middle East, but Muslims started – and won – the war.
The Battle of Tours, 732
Four contemporary accounts paint two radically different pictures.
Christians & Muslims: A Gallery of Spiritual Warriors
As their brethren attacked Muslim fortresses, these evangelistic crusaders fought for Muslim souls.
From Crusades to Homeland Defense
Martin Luther responded to Islam with a new military philosophy, fresh focus on the Qur’an, and provocative readings of biblical prophecy.
Four Jihads
Jihad means more than warfare, but the sword is central to Islam’s texts, its history, and its founder.
Divided by Christ
Whether Christians under early Muslim rule used polemic or polite dialogue to defend their faith, they hit an impasse at the Incarnation.
Imperial Evasion
When the West finally gained influence in the Islamic world, Christians lost their nerve.
Christians & Muslims: Christian History Interview – Justice and Peace
Because broken promises fueled Islamic militancy, the road to stability must be paved with good faith.