Articles in this Issue
American Idols
Larry Crabb says there’s something better than control and success.
Faithful Friends
A church that loves those with HIV.
The Next Next Generation
Born after 1980, the optimistic and community-oriented Millennials are your up-and-coming church leaders.
Going New School
Emerging business trend can energize ministry.
Mapping Your Private World
Journaling: a tool to bring your soul into focus.
Passionate for Change
For the church course, these business books are up to par.
The Bowl of Hope
What he found in a storage closet helped both pastor and church recover their purpose—again.
Same-Sex Marriage: What Can I Say?
Four pastors discuss the pressures and opportunities of the current controversy.
The Sermon that Got My Goat (or Vice Versa)
Scapegoat: Who would bear the penalty if this innovative Easter service failed—the prop or the preacher?
Holy Crime Fighters
Pastors become newest action heroes.
Soul Health
You can’t be fruitful if you neglect the Source.
Can Homosexuals Change Their Orientation?
A conversation between sociologist Tony Campolo and Phil Busbee, pastor of First Baptist Church of San Francisco.
Mastered by Convictions
What working with John Stott taught me about preaching.
My Emerging Guilt
With one hand still clutching the smoothie, I was pulled into the conga line. How did I get here, dancing, off beat and out of touch?
From Duty to Delight
I’d become self-absorbed and numb. Could I learn to live and love again?
Sometimes Ministry Stinks
How will you respond when you get stuck holding the bedpan?
Where Did My Mind Go?
How one pastor faced the loss of… well … ah …
Have I Become Useless?
What does a man my age have to offer the trend-setting generation?
Dropping the Mask
When I blow it, I let my church know it. And they respect me for it.
Stuck in the Before Picture
4 ways to renew your strength.