Articles in this Issue
It’s a Flat World After All
Glocalization: How Followers of Christ Engage the New Flat Earth book review.
Learn to Partner
How one church, working with community groups, is making a big difference in a small town.
When Things Get Ugly
What’s a leader to do when followers are revolting?
U2 Rocks the House (of God)
Bono inspires worship with an edge.
Before You Introduce Change
Vision casting isn’t step one, or even step two.
Our Allergic Reactions
Some react to churches doing things cheap and sloppy, others to doing things “with excellence.” Either way, a bad reaction can be deadly.
Name Calling
How we label others and ourselves gives life and takes it away.
7 Deadly Sins of Preaching
Temptations of the miked.
Full-Time Pastor but only Part-Time Follower of Jesus
What it took to find my real ministry.
13 ways to refresh your soul.
The African Planter
Nairobi Chapel pastor on mission trips, and working well across cultures.
Running into Overtime
How much time do you allow for music in worship?
A Day Off from God Stuff
What is a sabbath rest for pastors, when you handle holy things all week long?
My Holy of Holies
How all-too-human preachers can prepare their souls to preach.
Praise That’s Premature?
Do we praise too soon?