Articles in this Issue
The “We” We Want to Be
The most important growth is not a “me” thing but a “we” thing.
Your Most Important Conversation
Each week, debrief with yourself and God. Here’s how.
This is Your Brain on Porn
The science behind the struggle, and how the church can help.
Incremental Preaching
Many pastors want “fast acting” sermons. But what brings lasting transformation is a steady, intentional plan for the pulpit.
Thy Kingdom Come
Why repentance is always good news.
Let’s Live What We Teach
What we expect from leaders, why we name specific sins, and how that’s working out.
Flipping the Switch
A review of “Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath.
Control Tweaks
The right combination of structure and empowerment moved this church toward maturity.
Drastic Times, Not Drastic Measures
Ideas for responding to a decline in church offerings.
Playing the Part
How doing ministry shaped my soul and made me better than I am.
The Leadership Opportunity
Living out the Gospel where conflict and leadership intersect
Animal Instincts
What’s your reflexive response to ministry tensions?
Catching Waves
Francis Chan says we should stop trying to make people love Jesus, and learn to rely on prayer, elders, and the Holy Spirit instead.
Sexual Detox
A review of Tim Challies’ guide for single and married men.
Guard Against Embezzlement
Advice and resources to combat a growing problem.
A Repenting Church
How one congregation turned (and continues to turn) from its sins.
The End of Wanderlust
Will fewer family moves produce more stable churches?
How Do We Assess Spiritual Growth?
It is possible, but often not very encouraging.
Check, Please!
Remote-deposit capture is an efficient way to handle Sunday offerings.
The Dirt on Organic
Small volunteer-led congregations are gaining popularity and making an impact. But they require more spadework than you realize.
The Young and the Repentant
A proper definition is the key to leading young adults to repent.
Do Programs Help or Hinder?
How churches contribute to spiritual maturity without becoming just a calendar-cluttering distraction.
Pyrotechnic Preaching
A review of “Setting Words on Fire: Putting God at the Center of the Sermon” by Paul Scott Wilson
Five Myths about Emerging Adult Faith
New research on 20-somethings gets past the hype and offers a reason to hope.