Articles in this Issue
Ministry as Trauma Center
We have the privilege of walking with people whose lives have been shattered.
Want People to Come to Church? Email them!
And other items of interest from ministry and culture.
Why ‘Don’t Do It’ Doesn’t Work
Raised in a culture that porn-ifies sex and deifies desire, today’s young adults need a bigger vision of sexuality.
Armed and Dangerous
Beware the sword of ‘righteous anger.’
Ministry’s Bleeding Edge
What churches do for trauma.
The War After the War
PTSD touches veterans and their families. How churches can help.
My Incurable Condition
How to pray for someone with a terminal diagnosis.
What Pastors Can Do about Violence in the Home
How to help victims of domestic abuse.
My Healing Community
How I discovered grace when my pastor-husband was jailed for sex-crimes.
Healing the Horrors of Boko Haram
In Nigeria we saw the light of heaven pierce the shadow of evil.
The Neglected Power of Blessing
One of the most meaningful things a pastor can do is short, sweet, and biblical.
Homeless Karaoke
And other innovative practices from around the ministry world.
Your Small Church Is Big
The suprising secret to growth.
Mission Drift: The Unspoken Crisis Facing Leaders, Charities, and Churches
A summary from Leadership Journal
Taking Pains
The minister I met when I was ready to quit.
Twisting Scripture
We’re first-time visitors … Do you misinterpret Scripture every Sunday, or is this a special sermon series?
Toxic Report
According to the recent toxic substance inspection, they found asbestos in the sanctuary, lead paint in the basement, and a deacon criticizing your leadership in the adult Sunday School room.
The Relationally Grounded Pastor
An interview with Eugene Peterson
Putting Failure on Ice
What ministry in Antarctica taught me about not quitting.
Into the Whirlwind
My first week on the job included an exorcism and suicide.
When Is My Ministry Done?
God had his own clear way of telling me.