Articles in this Issue
An American in Hanoi
If only my draft board could see me now.
This Little Light of Mine
Will Sunday school survive the “me generation”?
Distress Signals
Sometimes the moaning of a worn-out soul is the only language we can use to talk to God. He understands .
Living by Vows
Trusted, godly fri ends advised me to put my wife in an institution for the sake of my ministry.
Adjusting Theology in the Shadow of Auschwitz
Does the Holocaust change the context for Christian evangelization of the Jews?
What the Puritans Taught Me
They kept their eyes on heaven as pilgrims traveling home to the Celestial City.
In Search of Safe Cinema
As movie ratings mean less and less, Christians must develop their own discernment.
Frederick Buechner’s Sacred Journey
How one writer and minister has made a career of telling others about moments of holy insight.