Cover Story
Cover Story
Redeeming Sudan’s Slaves
Americans are becoming instant abolitionists. But is the movement backfiring?
Good News for the Lost, Imprisoned, Abducted, and Enslaved
Lawyers and investigators at the International Justice Mission have learned that sharing the gospel means going into the heart of darkness.
Let’s Get Physical
Motus O uses the human body to reveal the soul.
Peretti Out-Grishams Grisham
God and the Devil in the summer blockbusters.
A Postmodern Ezekiel
Michael Maudlin, Managing Editor
Homosexuality: Presbyterians Hold Firm on Fidelity
Homosexual ordination under study until 2001.
Will Pax TV Survive Second Season?
Family-friendly network faces survival test.
The Greatest Story Never Read
Recovering biblical literacy in the church.
I Love to Tell the Story to Those Who Know It Least
Biblical preaching in a post-Christian culture.
What’s in a Name?
Why we shouldn’t call the Old Testament the ‘Hebrew Scriptures.’
How Evil Became Cool
The Littleton killers were mirroring in grotesque action what the adult culture advocates in abstract concepts.