Cover Story
Cover Story
Daring to Discipline America
James Dobson’s influence, already huge, is growing. Can he keep his focus?
CCM Rocks the Church
The Rolling Stone of Christian magazines turns 20.
A Conversion Story in a Different Key
An adopted Jew finds his home in the Torah.
Could We Survive Persecution?
We still have much to learn from the experience of Christians under communism.
You Must Be Born Again—but at What Age?
In some baptistic circles, the age for baptism has steadily declined so that many churches are practicing “toddler baptism.
Finding a Home for Eve
We are right to criticize radical feminist scholars—and wrong to ignore them.
Stop Spending Money!
Breaking the cycle of missions dependency.
The Jew Who Is Saving Christians
How Michael Horowitz awakened Americans to the plight of the persecuted.
The Fiery Rise of Hindu Fundamentalism
After a missionary and his two sons are martyred, Christians in India press for greater religious freedom.
Where True Love Waits
How one woman dramatically changed the teen pregnancy rate in Rhea County, Tennessee.
Protecting the Right to Convert
The freedom to choose religious belief is under assault globally.
Crime: How to End Prisons’ Revolving Door
Prison ministers embrace ‘restorative justice’ methods.
Greater Ministries Faces Big Penalties
Greater Ministries found in contempt of court.
Moral Education After Monica
Louise Cowan tells how she lost her childhood faith while in university religion courses—only to regain it in literature courses.