Cover Story
Cover Story
Doors into Islam
September 11 has only intensified the dangers and rewards of Muslim evangelism
Netherlands: Devout Christian becomes prime minister.
Cautious Dutch evangelicals take a wait-and-see stance concerning new leader
New Top Anglican Receives Mixed Reviews
“Appointee is against abortion, for gay ordination, and not from the Third World”
Matters of the Heart
Quotations to Stir Heart and Mind
Standup for Jesus
The story of forgotten missionary hero William Sheppard is finally told
Saving Africa
The story of forgotten missionary hero William Sheppard is finally told
The Long View: Globalists R Us
But there’s no guarantee this will always be true
“Children First, Schools Next”
Christian parents should not face social stigma for removing kids from public schools
Transcending Security
The rightful fear of anthrax is not the beginning of wisdom
Darkness at Jesus’ Tomb
A fight breaks out on the roof of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Expecting a Flood of Tourists
A replica of Noah’s Ark is planned for Turkey
Pocket Idolatry
New religious figurines let you take Francis of Assisi wherever you go
Doctrine Still Matters
Christianity Today reflects on handling doctrinal issues
Columbia: terrorist kill two more evangelical pastors.
Two church leaders ambushed in August
Spain: Christians fear AIDS media campaign may ignore how people get the disease.
“Yet Christian leaders say stigma, not neglect, is the bigger problem”
India: Christians reach out to war-weary Muslims in Kashmir.
“Wearied by violence, thousands interested in the Prince of Peace.”
Legal setback: Messianic Jews lose exclusive rights to use menorah symbol.
Official mark status revoked for Chosen People Ministries’ design
Evolving standards: Intelligent Design advocates ask Ohio to broaden origins discussion in public schools
Opponents say the movement is trying to do an end run around science
Navy wins suit: Pentecostal chaplain plans to appeal discrimination case ruling.
“‘Non-liturgical’ chaplains complain of bias in Naval promotion, hiring”
Freedom fighters: Groups protest Sudan policy stalemate.
Observers say there’s a long road to go for peace
“Southern Baptists: Interfaith activity will cost D.C. Convention $476,000 in denominational funding.”
“SBC pulls support, saying interfaith gatherings were harmful”
“Cloning: President’s Council on Bioethics recommends a partial ban, disappointing some conservatives”
President’s Council on Bioethics recommends a four-year moratorium on research cloning
Vietnam’s Hidden Tragedy
American church leaders manipulated as communists cover up abuse of tribal Christians
You Can Take the Boy out of the Barrio…
“But nothing has been able to take the barrio out of Jesse Miranda, the uniting force for Hispanic Protestants in the U.S”
No Dissing This Learning
“Homeschools do as well, if not better, than their classroom counterparts”
The Little School in the Living Room Grows Up
A homeschooling mom visits one of the largest conventions in the country and notes how this form of alternative education has changed—to the chagrin of traditionalists
Deconstructing Islam
Apologist Jay Smith takes a confrontational approach
God’s Funeral
What will keep faith from nearly disappearing in America?