Cover Story
Cover Story
How Lewis Lit the Way to Better Apologetics
Why the path to reasonable faith begins with story and imagination.
Would You Kill a Chicken with Your Bare Hands?
Lamppost Farm says it may be good for your soul.
The Crusader
Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke brings old-time gospel back to America.
Quenching Russia’s Drinking Problem
30,000 die each year of alcohol poisoning. New Christian programs bring faith into rehab process.
Dystopias Catching Fire
Is there anything good in the controversial worlds of Katniss and Ender?
Why Apologetics Is Different—and Working—In the Hood
Detroit pastor Christopher Brooks says apologetics in urban settings must be both intellectual and ‘soul-ish.’
Beautiful Fear
We are strangely attracted to the One we dread.
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Readers respond to the September issue via letters, tweets, and blogs.
C. S. Lewis in Unlikely Places
He’s still showing us how to pay attention.
Fox News’ Highly Reluctant Jesus Follower
Of all people surprised that I became an evangelical Christian, I’m the most surprised.
Israel’s Arab Christians and Jews: Brothers in Arms?
A priest and a sea captain’s solution to saving Mideast Christianity: Join the Israeli military.
Should Foreign Policy Be Determined by its Impact on Christians?
Where leading American Christian scholars disagree.
What Christians Need to Know about Alternative Medicine
Common practices like yoga and acupuncture have roots in other religions. Are we ignoring that?
Jesus Feels Your Pain
Critics say American Christianity downplays Christ’s suffering. Two Reformed scholars answer the charge.
Why Don’t We Recognize God’s Gift of Diversity?
Christena Cleveland examines the cultural differences that frustrate the quest for Christian unity.
New & Noteworthy Books
Compiled by Matt Reynolds
Wilson’s Bookmarks
From the editor of Books & Culture.
Is Your Faith Slipping into Maintenance Mode?
Maybe you’re not crashing and burning. But it’s dangerous to stay stuck in neutral.
Our Love-Hate Relationship With Christian Art
Despite our faith’s rich artistic history, we wrongly trash-talk Christian works.
Should Christians Read the Qur’an?
Whether or not to immerse ourselves in Islam’s holy book.
Duct-Tape Disciples
What really sticks when leading a friend to Christ.