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The Top 20 Christianity Today Articles of 2016

The bigger story behind Jen Hatmaker, visiting Ken Ham's giant ark, and Andy Stanley's 'stinkin selfish' parents comment.
The Top 20 Christianity Today Articles of 2016

Did you catch all of the most-read CT articles from 2016?

Here's a look back at what readers kept clicking this past year.

(Note: This list is a politics-free zone. For CT’s top election stories, click here.)

​20. What to Give Up for Lent 2016? Consider Twitter's Top Ideas
Here's the final tally of the top 100 choices of 2016, plus charts on how Lenten abstinence has changed over time.

Image: Dick Thomas Johnson, Pabak Sarkar, KT King, Joshua Rappeneker / Flickr

​19. Tullian Tchividjian Fired by Church, Liberate Board Members Quit
Tchividjian tells CT: 'I remain committed to that painful and progressive process' of repentance.

Image: Facebook

​18. Died: Tim LaHaye, Author Who 'Left Behind' a Long Legacy
Jerry B. Jenkins: 'Thrilled as I am that he is where he has always wanted to be, his departure leaves a void in my soul.'

Image: Tim LaHaye

​17. Christianity Today's 2016 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.

​16. The CT Interview: Saeed Abedini Answers Abuse Allegations
The formerly jailed Iranian American pastor talks to CT about his marriage, his imprisonment, and his hopes for revival.

Image: Todd Meier

15. On Dying and Reckoning with the Prosperity Gospel
How church historian Kate Bowler's cancer diagnosis brought her face-to-face with the beauty and terror of the popular movement.

Image: Courtesy of Kate Bowler

14. The Bigger Story Behind Jen Hatmaker
The benefits and challenges of women’s ministry in the age of bestsellers, viral blog posts, and inspirational conferences.

Image: Moxie Collective

13. Died: Jan Crouch, Cofounder of Trinity Broadcasting Network
The 78-year-old started the world’s largest religious cable network with her husband.

Image: Trinity Broadcasting Network

​12. Christians Can Hold Their Bladders and Still Shop at Target
Consider the missional implications before you boycott.

Image: Mike Mozart / Flickr

​11. My Encounter with Ken Ham's Giant Ark
A four-hour visit to the massive replica of Noah's boat left me with a flood of questions.

Image: Ark Encounter

​10. Missionary Donn Ketcham Abused 18 Children. Here’s Why He Wasn’t Stopped.
After Bangladesh MKs speak out, ABWE releases final report on past problems and future protections.

Image: ABWE

​9. Biblical Archaeology’s Top Ten Discoveries of 2015
A glimpse at the important excavation work revealed this year.

Image: Courtesy of Seales’ Research

8. Tullian Tchividjian Confesses Second Affair Concealed by Two Coral Ridge Elders
Tchividjian prays his story will 'serve as a warning' on sin, while Florida ministry leaders who tried to help reflect on what they’d do differently.​

Image: Jimmy Baikovicius/Flickr and Tullian Tchividjian/Facebook

7. Meet the Rio Olympians Who Put God Before Gold
A glimpse of inspiration and testimony from some of Team USA’s Christian athletes.

Image: David J. Phillip / AP

6. LifeWay Stops Selling Jen Hatmaker Books over LGBT Beliefs
Hatmaker says she doesn't need to defend her decision.​

Image: Jen Hatmaker

​5. Nicole Cliffe: How God Messed Up My Happy Atheist Life
I had no untapped, unanswered yearnings. All was well in the state of Denmark. And then it wasn’t.

Image: Chad Kirkland

​4) Russia's Newest Law: No Evangelizing Outside of Church
Putin signs new restrictions that limit where and how Christians share the gospel.

See also: Russia's Ban on Evangelism Is Now in Effect

Image: Bernt Rostad / Flickr

3. Darrin Patrick Removed from Acts 29 Megachurch for ‘Historical Pattern of Sin’
Investigation by The Journey found ‘pastoral misconduct’ in several areas of his life.

Image: Southeastern Seminary / Flickr

​2. Cover Story: Inside the Popular, Controversial Bethel Church
Some visitors claim to be healed. Others claim to receive direct words from God. Is it 'real'—or dangerous?

Image: Vance Jacobs

1. Andy Stanley Explains His ‘Stinking Selfish’ Parents Comment
‘As much as I wish folks would listen to the entire message, it really doesn’t diminish the absurdity of what I said.’

Image: Willow Creek D/CH / Flickr

CT has also compiled the most-read news blogs, persecuted church stories, politics stories, cover stories, and personal testimonies of 2016, as well as the top 10 discoveries of biblical archaeology.

For comparison:

Top stories of 2015: The Supreme Court decision, C. S. Lewis' secret life, loving my sister-brother, and more.

Top stories of 2014: World Vision's reversal, Kay Warren on son's suicide, 33 Christian leaders under 33, and more.

Top stories of 2013: Kirsten Powers's conversion, Andy Stanley on President Obama, child sponsorships, the war over Christian beards, and more.

Top stories of 2012: Chuck Colson's death, the trouble with TBN, why the clothing we wear to church matters, and more.

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