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Public Theology Project
Broken bonds and burned bridges can’t be mended by imaginary networks of relationships.
Wire Story
Young, evangelical, and African American churchgoers ask the most.
Church attendance is down. Giving is iffy. Ministers are tired. But God is with us in lean times too.
Amid the continued declines, Southern Baptists are celebrating back-to-back years of growth in worship attendance and baptism.
Let us not give up meeting together—even when we disagree.
A pastor offers practical advice for the top three hurdles of church small groups: childcare, commitment, and over-talkers.
Church homelessness is lonely and exhausting. And the only antidote is Christian community.
COVID and the Church
Stories from the pandemic remind us that hope abounds even in the most difficult circumstances.
Politically moderate and left-leaning evangelicals appear to be most impacted.
Even in states where regulations were severe, most congregations moved on quickly.