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The love of many Christians has grown cold. How can we reorder our desires and affections?
Public Theology Project
Human suffering should not cause us to categorize our neighbor but to be one.
The New York Times reporter’s memoir can refine our perspective on pursuing justice in a fallen world.
Wire Story
Despite his opposition to same-sex marriage, Begg’s “grandfatherly” pastoral counsel cost him his place on American Family Radio and at the Shepherds Conference.
Compassionate enforcement has its place. But the state’s role is to bear the sword.
3 tools to help us develop empathy.
As Christians, our righteous anger at sin must never surpass our compassion for sinners.
Where Ya From?
How Scripture should fuel our desire to seek justice in our communities and around the world.
Viral Jesus
The Bible overflows with stories of migration and exile. But are we taking the right lessons?