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How a contested alien abduction claim from the 1960s helps explain modern cynicism toward credentialed experts and organizations.
Ridley Scott’s “Napoleon” is well-cast, well-made, and without a thought-provoking theory of its subject’s world-changing appeal.
Wire Story
The largest and second-oldest church in Omdurman was hit following similar bombings targeting local evangelical schools.
Sarah Feinberg said she had the responsibility to do the right thing when she discovered fraud at her government contractor employer.
New rules integrate pastors into the military to help with physical and spiritual needs as fighting continues.
To understand the island nation’s crisis and what the church must do now, start with what we didn’t do.
Evangelicals object to “extremely troubling” proposal that would exclude many religious groups.
The imprecatory psalms give us permission to push boldly against evil.
Thanks to air raid sirens, neighbors and refugees are hearing more about the gospel than ever.
My Russian-born son enlisting reminded me of my identity in Christ.