
New & Noteworthy Books
Chosen by Matt Reynolds.
There Is an Edge to Living on the Edge
My outsider experiences have only strengthened my confidence in God’s goodness and sovereignty.
Secular Figures Are Giving Faith a Second Look
A surprising number are expressing unmet longings for beauty, truth, and meaning.
The Law Can’t Always ‘Love’ You
Compassionate enforcement has its place. But the state’s role is to bear the sword.
Why Is One Jewish Family the Subject of So Many Conspiracy Theories?
A new book charts the centuries-long history of the Rothschilds and recurring waves of antisemitism.
A Virtuous Pagan’s (Accidental) Guide to Building a Healthier Evangelicalism
Fredrik deBoer’s indictment of his fellow progressives is surprisingly relevant to a very different movement.
Shannon Harris Wasn’t Content with Being a Purity Culture Stagehand
Her new memoir brings her voice into the story of "I Kissed Dating Goodbye." It also brings in an entirely different gospel.
The Universe Is Not a Horror Show
We live in a world haunted by sin and suffering. But it’s also one that points us to a glory beyond imagining.
Rosaria Butterfield Issues Five Battle Cries for the Church Militant
There is much to admire in her views on church and community, but also much to find troubling in her new polemic.
How Japanese American Pastors Prepared Their Flocks For Internment
Sermons preached the Sunday before they were sent off exhorted suffering Christians to find their hope in Jesus and to continue to gather together.
Mitt Romney Chose Truth Over Tribe. We Should Too.
Character and competency matter all the time, whether that’s in public office or the church.
Jesus Paid It All. There’s Still So Much We Owe.
Why the call to good works goes hand in hand with the free gift of grace.
Esau McCaulley: The Streets Sent Me to the Pulpit
But then my path to preaching took an unexpected turn.
How to Talk to a Christian-Curious Agnostic
A new breed of secular seeker is replacing the New Atheists. But how can we reach them?
I Hadn’t Committed Suicide. But I Was Spiritually Dead.
The prison ID’ed the wrong man. But the mistake was powerfully revealing.
The Gospel Is Greater Than Its Greatest Proclaimers
That fact should bring humility to our evangelism, even as it spurs us to keep sharing the Good News.
Sticking Out and Fitting In as an Asian American Believer
Theologian Michelle Lee-Barnewall reflects on her ethnic identity and her identity in Christ.
Take a Risk and Make a Friend
With God’s help, a little intentionality can go a long way toward healing our loneliness.
New & Noteworthy Fiction
Chosen by Rachel Hauck, author of “The Best Summer of Our Lives”.
5 Books on the Witness of the Old Testament Prophets
Chosen by Andrew Abernethy, professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College, coeditor of “The Prophets and the Apostolic Witness,” and author of “Savoring Scripture: A Six-Step Guide to Studying the Bible.”

Top Story June 1, 2024

The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
Among the former president’s antagonists and admirers alike, there is a great deal of calling evil good and good evil.

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