Books: Excerpts

Russell Moore: Real Christian Courage Looks like Elijah at His Most Pathetic
My caution to those who “stand for truth” by calling down “fire from heaven” upon its enemies.
Without Henrietta Mears, Evangelicalism as We Know It Probably Wouldn’t Exist
Meet the woman who mentored the leaders and fostered the institutions that fueled its 20th-century transformation.
Charles Spurgeon Knew It Was Possible to Be Faithful and Depressed
How his example can encourage believers who “walk in darkness, and see no light.”
Christian Parents: You Don’t Have to Protect Your Children from Divergent Opinions
If what we teach them is true, it will stand up to scrutiny.
Bethlehem Is More Than a Sentimental Backdrop to Christmas in the West
How Christians are celebrating the holiday in the town of Jesus’ birth—and across the broader Middle East.
The Cross Is God’s Answer to Black Rage
How Christ’s death and resurrection speak to the particular suffering of African Americans.
Christianity Isn’t ‘Becoming’ Global. It Always Has Been.
Why this misperception poses a stumbling block to the spread of the gospel.
Mental Illness and the ‘Medical Theodicy’ Trap
Why do we feel such a palpable sense of spiritual relief when the problem is with the body rather than the mind?
Churches: Don’t Worship—or Serve—Until You’re Blue in the Face
Maintaining a balance between gathering and scattering is the key to avoiding spiritual pneumonia.
Science and Scripture Agree: Singing Lifts Our Spirits
Why Christians erupt in song, even when hope seems lost.
Our Olive-Skinned Gospel
As a Middle Easterner, I can't read the Bible without a smile of recognition crawling across my face.
Whatever Your Secret Sins, the Psalms Will Give You the Courage to Come Clean
Hiding from God (and neighbor) is dehumanizing, but honest prayer and confession bring healing and freedom.
My Generation Prized ‘Authenticity.’ Why I’ve Come to Love Wearing a Mask.
I'm only my truest self when I'm playing the role of disciple.
Beth Moore: God Uses Your Mistakes for Good
In the Lord’s economy, nothing is wasted—not even rotten fruit.
What If I’m Not the ‘Submissive’ Type?
I used to be repulsed by Ephesians 5. Then I learned to see Paul’s instructions through a gospel lens.
Nobodies Were the First to Know
When God announced the birth of Christ to sweaty, uncouth shepherds, he signaled something important about the kind of Messiah he was sending.
Theologians: Don’t Lose Sight of Theology’s Most Basic Task
Students and teachers alike need to remember the difference between knowing theology and knowing God.
My Advice to Struggling Artists: Seek First God’s Kingdom
The key to creativity is worship and prayer.
My Road to Emmaus Ran Through East Los Angeles
Suffering and ministry turmoil left me devastated. Jesus met me there.
The Early Church Thrived Amid Secularism and Shows How We Can, Too
The pre-Christendom church managed to avoid both isolationism and accommodationism. Their model gives us a map for post-Christendom challenges.

Top Story May 10, 2024

Died: Gospel for Asia Founder Athanasius Yohannan
Died: Gospel for Asia Founder Athanasius Yohannan
The champion of “native missions” trained more than 100,000 evangelists but got in trouble for financial mismanagement.

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