Politics+Current Affairs

Quick To ListenEpisode 119|59min
Do Church Plants Drive Neighborhood Change?
Why gentrification seems to correlate with the opening of new urban congregations.
How Christians Can Take the Lead with Paid Family Leave
A new report from the Center for Public Justice offers guiding principles for how church communities, policy makers, and employers can put pro-family beliefs into action.
Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Is Brett Kavanaugh, Another Religious Liberty Defender
GOP establishment darling and Court of Appeals judge nominated to fill outgoing Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s critical seat.
Quick To ListenEpisode 117|45min
Brazilian Soccer’s Evangelical Embrace Mirrors Its Nation’s
How the religious movement has spread across the once-overwhelmingly Catholic country.
12 Podcasts for Your Summer Listening List
A dozen women weigh in with their favorite podcasts on practicing the Sabbath, the science of pianos, and other topics worth talking about this summer.
A Great and Terrible Nation
Understanding our history, and how that might frame our Fourth of July prayers.
What Jordan’s Evangelicals Think of Templeton Winner King Abdullah’s Interfaith Acclaim
The ruler was awarded the prestigious $1.4 million prize for modeling Islamic tolerance internationally. Here’s how Protestants in his home country gauge his leadership.
Brazil’s Soccer Stars Love Jesus. But They Can’t Thank Him for World Cup Wins.
What a team ban on religious celebrations reveals about evangelicals in South America’s biggest country.
Fear, Power, Nostalgia, and the 81 Percent
An evangelical historian searches for the roots of Trump-friendly evangelicalism.
Ebola Deaths Rise As Patients Turn to Miracles Over Medicine
African officials pled with faith healers to let doctors treat the latest fatal outbreak.
California Can’t Force Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Promote Abortion
Clinics’ free speech rights trump an “unduly burdensome” state disclosure requirement.
Guess Who’s Coming to Church: Multiracial Congregations Triple Among Protestants
Sociologists evaluate the progress and future of the evangelical push for church diversity.
Embracing Our Transgender Neighbors on God’s Terms
We should seek their well-being—but also prepare for strong disagreement on what that entails.
What Transgender People Need from Conservative Christians
We’ll never reach them with biblical truth without first understanding their experiences.
Global Religious Freedom Takes Its Biggest Hit in Over a Decade
Christianity is the biggest religion in the world. It's also still the most restricted.
Isaac Backus: An 18th-Century Evangelical with 21st-Century Wisdom
On questions of race, religious liberty, and political power, the Baptist preacher should be our guiding light.
You Can’t Have Racial Justice Without a Bloody Cross
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove’s necessary rebuke on race rests on a sadly truncated gospel.
Getting Past Post-Truth
A firsthand reminder of the consequences of ignoring the facts.
Jesus Is Lord. Period.
We’re rendering unto Caesar too much time and attention.
Imagining a Virtuous Capitalism
Free-market ideas grew in a religious and moral soil. We need to replant them there.

Top Story May 5, 2024

Conservative Methodists, Unite
Conservative Methodists, Unite
After this week’s UMC votes on LGBTQ issues, African Methodists should join American conservatives in the new Global Methodist denomination.

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