Politics+Current Affairs

Pakistan Frees Asia Bibi from Blasphemy Death Sentence
Jailed Christian mother acquitted by Supreme Court after eight years. Violent protests erupt in major cities.
Anti-Semitism and Unforgivable Sin
Hate is weak. Mercy is strong.
Ireland’s Blasphemy Ban Is Gone, But Dozens of Countries Still Enforce Them
Irish Christians hope the change will put pressure on places like Pakistan, where Asia Bibi faces the death penalty for remarks against Muhammad.
Is Trump Our Cyrus? The Old Testament Case for Yes and No
Christians’ eagerness to understand God’s will in real time can cause them to overlook fundamental biblical and divine principles.
Eat, Pray, Code: Rule of St. Benedict Becomes Tech Developer’s Community Guidelines
SQLite, the most-used database engine of the 21st century, throws back to a code of conduct created by a sixth-century monk.
Rethinking Our Relationship with the News
Both religion and politics have complicated it. How do we start fresh?
He Makes Everything Beautiful in Its Time—Including Tech
New inventions can harm or heal. Here’s what makes the difference, says author Douglas Estes.
Quick To ListenEpisode 133|56min
Iraqi Christians Waited Years for American Funds. Is Now Too Late?
The despair and hope of the country’s persecuted religious minorities.
The News Won’t Set You Free (Even If It’s ‘Christian’)
How round-the-clock headlines distort our focus on eternity.
Love Your Political Frenemies
Jesus built his church from a group of enemies. Why did I love to sting mine?
Our November Issue: Listening Carefully
Nigeria’s besieged Christians ask if they are forgotten.
Burma’s Beleaguered Baptists
Rohingya Muslims aren’t the only religious minority under fire in Myanmar.
Show Them the Money: Gospel for Asia Faces Class Action over Christmas Catalogs
Lawsuit reflects the complexity of making giving to missions more tangible.
Gleanings: November 2018
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our November issue).
No Cheeks Left to Turn: The Double Persecution of Africa’s Largest Church
Weary of attacks by Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen, Christians in Nigeria ask how long they’re supposed to “count it all joy.”
Why Science Can’t Tell Us How to Live
The quest to detach morality from divine revelation has only led to one dead end after another.
Billy Graham Center Explains Survey on Evangelical Trump Voters
Wheaton College-based institute studied how and why both white and non-white believers voted in 2016.
Why Evangelicals Voted Trump: Debunking the 81%
Ahead of the midterms, the Billy Graham Center Institute examined the most infamous statistic about faith and the 2016 election.
Sparing Nineveh: US Pledges $300 Million So Iraq’s Christians Can Return Home
A new round of funding, plus improved processes, will help minority faiths rebuild four years after ISIS pushed them out.
What the Kavanaugh Saga Says About Our View of Sin
Our political loyalties often prevent us from thinking biblically about the human condition.

Top Story June 4, 2024

Pakistani Christians Accused of Blasphemy Found Not Guilty
Pakistani Christians Accused of Blasphemy Found Not Guilty
And other brief news from believers around the world.

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