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A verdadeira mudança é uma questão do coração
O evangelho cristão deve transformar todo o nosso ser — tanto as emoções quanto os pensamentos.
True Change Is a Matter of the Heart
The Christian gospel is meant to transform our whole person—our emotions as much as our thoughts.
Cara Pengasuhan Anak yang Tak Terduga dan Menghibur dari Kitab Pengkhotbah
Ketika dunia menyebut segalanya belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, pemeliharaan Tuhan tetap tidak berubah.
Osobna bol pastora pri odlasku ljudi iz male crkve
Čak i ako je crkva velika i rastuća, može biti teško kad je neki ljudi napuste. No kad je crkva mala, svaki je gubitak mnogo bolniji.
Tras los ‘boomers’, nuevos líderes traen nueva vida a Vineyard
La próxima generación de pastores carismáticos no busca autoridad, sino colaboración. Y comunidades dispuestas a seguir al Espíritu Santo.
After the Boomers, New Leaders Bring New Life to the Vineyard
The next generation of charismatic pastors doesn’t want authority but collaboration—and communities ready to follow the Spirit.
Неожиданное утешение родителям от Екклесиаста
Мир считает все доселе невиданным, но Божьи законы неизменны.
Несподівана втіха батькам від Еклезіаста
Світ вважає все небаченим, але Божі закони незмінні.
The Unexpected Parenting Comfort of Ecclesiastes
When the world calls everything unprecedented, God’s provision remains unchanging.
Jesus Changes Hearts, but What Is Our Part as a Faithful Antiracist?
The biblical call towards faithful antiracism is more than just a social agenda and a trending topic. Learn about a new resource equipping Christians against the power of racism.
3 Takeaways from a Chilling Trip into the Mind of the Unabomber
A new dramatization is out about vigilante Ted Kaczynski’s life, illuminating his motives for sending 16 bombs around the country.
Have Yourself a Bittersweet Easter
A typical Holy Week is out of reach this year. That's cause for lament—and celebration.
How Are Pastors Handling Ungathered Worship?
Six church leaders share about their adaptations, innovations, and frustrations as they respond to COVID-19.
Change Is Exhausting – Don’t Attempt It Without A Way To Recharge
Whenever you’re attempting a big change, it is essential to build intentional time and space for rest.
The New Math of Church Mergers
An option once seen as a failed strategy is now giving many congregations a new lease on life.

Top Story April 29, 2024

India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
The government plans to close its porous border with Myanmar to boost security, separating ethnic groups that straddle the boundary.

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