Church Life+Ministry

A Teacher Who Transcends the Job Description
When other educators left for better salaries, Thom Olmstead chose to stay for his students.
Boy Scouts' Membership Change May Grow Christian Youth Clubs
Alternative organizations saw rising interest amid debate.
Flipping the 40-Minute Sermon
Should church teaching evolve in the digital age?
Building Peace in the Heart of Darkness
Local Congolese Christians nurture new efforts to end chronic violence as UN adds new brigade.
God Among the Roma
Dreams, visions, and healings spur new disciples among the 10-12 million Roma in Europe.
The Seminary Gender Gap
Why we should be concerned that women remain outnumbered in theological education.
The Real Value of Sex
Examining the lies that sex is worth nothing or sex is worth everything.
Onward, Christian Couple
How marriages can survive deployment—with some help from the church.
Suburbia Needs Jesus, Too
A woman’s take on the New Radicals.
Two Urban Manifestos for Evangelical Christians
Two new books locate Christians' presence in cities, but only one of them actually engages the city.
As Appeal Is Announced in Sovereign Grace Case, Joshua Harris Says He Was Abused As A Child
“Please go to the police. Please get help,” he tells fellow victims.
Methodists May Discourage Those Over 45 from Becoming Pastors
Texas Conference of United Methodists is proposing new age guidelines that encourage recruiting younger clergy.
Stay Sexy or Else? Well, Please Forgive These Mommy Hips
When the joy of sex gets replaced by the fear of not being sexy enough.
An Inside Look at Church Attenders Who Tithe the Most
New State of the Plate report finds surprising generosity–and financial health–among top tithers.
Three Megachurch Pastors Resign over Adultery in Orlando
(UPDATED) Discovery Church elders believe David Loveless 'can be restored to ... productive Christian service,' but not as their pastor.
Desperate for Their MRS. Degrees
Pressure to put a ring on it can distract from other pursuits and callings.
Rob Bell's 'Ginormous' Mirror
To read his book is to read about our fascination with ourselves.
Gleanings: June 2013
Important developments in the church and the world.
Home Improvement Meets the Gospel
How two co-founders of the home-supply store TreeHouse infuse their business with environmentally sound faith.
Prom’s Biggest Drama Queens? The Adults
Striving for moderation on high school's biggest night.

Top Story June 18, 2024

Sacred Tattoos Promise Spiritual Power. Can New Thai Christians Keep Them?
Sacred Tattoos Promise Spiritual Power. Can New Thai Christians Keep Them?
Pastors counsel believers with sak yant tattoos to let go of animistic beliefs and trust in God’s provision.

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