Church Life+Ministry

Good Eats and Evangelism: A Whole-Gospel Restaurant Serving Pittsburgh's Soul
Chef Nikki Heckmann's Bistro To Go offers tasty ingredients to revitalize Pittsburgh's North Side neighborhood.
Tilling among the Tulips: Christians Sow Hope at a West Michigan Farm
Eighth Day Farm's founders believe local food will restore the land and bless its inhabitants.
Today's Seminary Students "Too Poor To Take Vow of Poverty"
Surging student debt may push seminary out of reach for budding pastors.
The Problem with ‘Incarnational Ministry’
What if our mission is not to “be Jesus” to other cultures, but to join with the Holy Spirit?
Finding Jesus at Burning Man
How God used us at one of America's most hedonistic gatherings.
NASCAR Driver Blake Koch Takes a Stand for Jesus
The Christian driver on running the race.
The Story-Telling City Planner: Ebony Walden Infuses Poetry and Place
The Charlottesville leader believes Christians should be 'the 'most' involved, interacting, and creative' neighbors of all.
Another Kind of Christian Witness at Chick-fil-A
Franchise owner Erik Devriendt doesn't have much to say about the recent imbroglio over Dan Cathy's comments. He just wants to help local refugees.
Gospel Goes Global
Soul Children choirs are popping up everywhere, even in the most unexpected places.
Why Divorce Calls Children's Existence into Question
If we truly are social animals, nullifying a family has implications.
In Lansdale as It Is in Heaven: My City's Glocal Hope
Pastor J. R. Briggs discerns spiritual longing in his city's monuments.
The Other Iranian Revolution
In 'godless' eastern Germany, Iranian refugees surprise pastors with their interest in Christianity.
The Sacraments of Place
To break the cycle of ideology in the church, try "going local."
Letters to the Editor
Readers respond to the May issue.
Should We Stop Asking Jesus Into Our Hearts?
Doubting our salvation and false assurance are both exacerbated by the clichéd ways in which we speak about the gospel.
Building a Beloved Community around Persons with Disabilities
North Street Community seeks to embed the marginalized in Durham, North Carolina's common life.
Episcopal Church Approves Same-Sex Blessing Rites
The move comes after Presbyterians and Methodists retained the denominations' definition of marriage as between a man and a woman.
A Season of Change at Christianity Today
Here's what's in the works this summer.
Should Pastors Be Guaranteed Job Security?
Observers weigh in.
A MASH Unit for Grief: A Support Center Reaches the 'Incoming Wounded' of Long Beach
Nurse Susan Beeney estimates that each year, 40,000 of her neighbors are facing profound loss. What her nonprofit is doing to heal their wounds.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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