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God’s Mercy is More Robust Than We Think
Grace does not sabotage the pursuit of righteousness but empowers it.
Knowing God’s Love is Impossible
At least for us. But for God, nothing is impossible.
The Cautionary Tale of Jerry Falwell Jr.
It’s time to remember the qualifications of biblical leadership.
Pious Pledges and Consecrated Keggers
Can Christian fraternities and sororities redeem a campus culture bruised from hazing and drowning in alcohol?
Was Christ Tempted in Every Way?
Making sense of Jesus’ humanity in light of fleshly temptations.
The Necessary Partnership of Truth and Charity
How the concept of the 'via media' might help us restore civil discourse.
Finding Grace in the Sunrise
God’s people have often practiced sacred remembering. So should we.
Gained in Translation
Having the Bible in our own language is a gift we shouldn't take for granted.
Is Your Trip Tourism or Missions?
After years of debate, the line is blurrier than ever.
Why We Still Need Christian Colleges
As the liberal arts struggle, we should rally around Christian campuses that still embrace them.
The Rise of the Bible-Teaching, Plato-Loving, Homeschool Elitists
How evangelicals are becoming the new champions of the pagan classics.
Fleeing North in the Full Armor of God
When our church offered therapy to traumatized migrants, we witnessed the healing power of Scripture.
Young Life at the Border
How youth ministries are reaching teens torn between Mexico and the US.
Evangelicals Show No Decline, Despite Trump and Nones
The 2018 General Social Survey reports American evangelicals holding steady amid growth of the unaffiliated—and a surprising uptick for mainline Protestants.
Lessons from Evangelicalism’s PR Guru
Mark DeMoss represented Christian organizations through highs and lows, but we’re all tasked with representing Christ.
Making Missions Count: How a Major Database Tracked Thailand’s Church-Planting Revival
A movement in Southeast Asia shows how real-time reporting is building Great Commission connections.
Saving Retirement
Growing old is not what it used to be. For millions of retirees, that may actually be good news.
Florida’s Oldest Place to Grow Old
Dowling Park was a retirement community built around widows and orphans. A century later, it’s a model for intergenerational ministry.
Abolitionism at the Tipping Point
Slavery has been around since before Moses, but International Justice Mission’s president thinks its demise is only decades away.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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