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一位宣教士如何在服事性產業中的婦女時學到新的真理 這個故事包含一些可能會令人感到不安的內容.
Lo que las tinieblas no oscurecen
De qué modo mi vida como hija de un astrónomo itinerante reveló verdades universales.
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Order the Globe Issue
Order the Hardcover Deluxe Edition of the Globe Issue from our store or bundle your purchase with a CT subscription and save over 30%. Ready to ship in August 2022.
First Annual Globe Issue
In our first annual Globe Issue, we hope you find a captivating and capacious vision of how men and women are following the call of Christ all around the planet. You are invited to take an intimate tour through a wide array of cities, countries, homes and ministries to hear testimonies of God at work in the world.
The Globe Issue 2022
In our first annual Globe Issue, we hope you find a captivating and capacious vision of how men and women are following the call of Christ all around the planet. You are invited to take an intimate tour through a wide array of cities, countries, homes and ministries to hear testimonies of God at work in the world.
The Biggest Mistake the Church Can Make
How government restrictions bring revival to Algeria.
The Prison Sanctum
How the kingdom of heaven came to an Ethiopian prison.
Betty is God’s Favorite
How deeper healing came to a hospital in Kenya.
The Drums of the Witch's Demise
How one man interferes with the horror of child sacrifice.
Eusebio Prays for the President
How a shrewd response forged a path for greater influence.
Learning to See Beauty Through the Scars of War
How a journey through a war-torn land changed a scholar's mind.
A Phoenix Rises After ISIS Enslavement
How one woman’s journey led her from the hands of ISIS to hope in Jesus.
A Way in the Wilderness
How prayers for a boy brought reconciliation to a land.
Breaking Slavery on Lake Volta
How the largest man-made lake became a place to untangle the bonds of slavery.
It Wasn’t the Tear Gas that Surprised Me
How pastoring in the midst of protests changed one man's perspective.
The Wounded Sparrow
How God’s eye on the sparrow offers comfort to a whole family.
When the Story Doesn’t Have a Happy Ending
Learning to find redemption in unfinished stories.
Our Names Become Bridges
How a heritage of naming revealed cultural identity and gospel hope.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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