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India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.
귀의 기적
오순절에 하나님께서 베푸신 기적은 말하기만이 아니었다. 성령은 또한 분열과 경멸을 극복하는 이해의 은사를 주셨다.
The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
Among the former president’s antagonists and admirers alike, there is a great deal of calling evil good and good evil.
성경이 도덕 지침서가 아닌 이유
대중의 생각과는 달리 성경은 놀라운 선물 같은 책이다.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 108|51min
Brian Klaas Tells Me Where I’m Wrong on Chance
The political scientist on physics, polling, and power.
Чудо слушания
Говорение было не единственным Божьим чудом на Пятидесятницу. Дух также дал дар понимания для преодоления разделений и презрения.
Чудо слухання
Мова була не єдиним Божим чудом у П’ятидесятницю. Дух також дав дар розуміння для подолання розділень та презирства.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 107|46min
Predictions About the Future of the Christian Church
A conversation on the state of American religion.
The Miracle of the Ear
Speech was not God’s only miracle at Pentecost. The Spirit also gave the gift of understanding, overcoming division and contempt.
Christian Women in India Lack Inheritance Rights. Could Hindu Nationalists Help?
The Uniform Civil Code seeks “one nation, one law” to govern citizens' personal lives, but religious minorities fear hidden costs.
Christians Shouldn’t Run from a ‘Negative World.’ But They Can Depend on It Less.
Aaron Renn outlines individual, institutional, and missional strategies for adapting to a hostile culture.
Spanish Evangelical Party Makes a Bid for European Union Parliament Seat
Long-shot campaign needs 15,000 signatures for the chance to get on the ballot.
Arizona Pro-Life Groups Pray Against Abortion Ballot Measure
A dozen states could vote on the issue come November.
If Panama Closes the Darién Gap, Would Evangelicals Care?
(UPDATED) Migrant rights have been off-radar for many Panamanian Christians. But as pressures increase, some are speaking out ahead of this weekend’s general elections.
Si Panamá cierra el Tapón del Darién, ¿les importará a los evangélicos?
Los derechos de los migrantes han pasado desapercibidos para muchos cristianos panameños. Pero a medida que aumentan las presiones, algunos se pronuncian antes de las elecciones generales de este fin de semana.
Santas limosnas: Nicolás Maduro corteja a los votantes evangélicos en Venezuela con regalos y dinero en efectivo
A medida que se acercan las elecciones presidenciales, el gobierno actual amplía programas que benefician a iglesias y pastores.
Holy Handouts: Venezuela’s Maduro Woos Evangelical Voters with Gifts and Cash
As the presidential election approaches, the incumbent government seeks to win support with aid to churches and pastors.
Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
After lobbying from fellow Southern Baptists and Christians affected by the war, the House speaker moves a package forward.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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