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Evangelist in Brigham Young's Court
Ravi Zacharias preaches to Mormons about the uniqueness of Christ.
Worldview Boot Camp
Evangelical young people need training in the truth about truth.
Good News from the Doctor
A longtime TV physician's tortuous search leads to an informal apologetic.
Targeted Apologetics
Encountering New Religious Movements with the Gospel.
All Apologies
Are today's kinda culpas more safe than sorry?
The Da Vinci Code, Corrected
Why the lost gospels were really lost
Winning People, Not Arguments
John Stackhouse discusses the evangelistic need for humble apologetics
Newton vs. Newton
The Un-Apologist
Oblivious to convention, Chesterton launched a bold campaign to point a mad world back to truth.
Bottom-Up Apologist
"John Polkinghorne—particle physicist, Gifford lecturer, Templeton Prize–winner, and parish priest"
Christians & Muslims: A Gallery of Spiritual Warriors
As their brethren attacked Muslim fortresses, these evangelistic crusaders fought for Muslim souls.
Four Jihads
Jihad means more than warfare, but the sword is central to Islam's texts, its history, and its founder.
Divided by Christ
Whether Christians under early Muslim rule used polemic or polite dialogue to defend their faith, they hit an impasse at the Incarnation.
Theology on the Edge
When competing ideologies had fragmented Christian thought, Thomas forged a solution.
Thomas Aquinas: Christian History Interview - He's Our Man
Evangelicals can embrace a rich inheritance from Aquinas.
Wide Angles and Zoom Lenses
Medieval chronicles showed Christians their place in God's world, from Creation to the end.
The Problem of Eusebius
His work became the foundation for centuries of Christian scholarship. Was that foundation firm or hopelessly flawed?
Zarathustra Shrugged
What apologetics should look like in a skeptical age

Top Story June 13, 2024

Charisma and Its Companions
Charisma and Its Companions
Church movements need magnetic leaders. But the best leaders need more than charm.

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