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Ryan and Amy Green
Parents turned their toddler’s cancer treatment into a wrenching video game.
My Toddler Survived Brain Cancer—Here’s What I Learned
7 things you should know, from a mom who’s been there
Cancer, Where Is Your Sting?
A neurosurgeon discovers hope and healing in the face of a terminal diagnosis.
On Dying and Reckoning with the Prosperity Gospel
How church historian Kate Bowler's cancer diagnosis brought her face-to-face with the beauty and terror of the popular movement.
Lent in the Shadow of Cancer
Three writers reflect on breast cancer, bodies, and resurrection hope.
Playing Through the Shadow of Death
A recent video game invites us into a family tragedy—and offers a glimmer of hope.
Assisted Suicide and Real Death with Dignity
Advocates say that choosing when we die is a fundamental right. My late husband thought otherwise.
The Difficulty (and Beauty) of Vulnerability
Openness in personal relationships can bring pain, but it also offers unrivaled love and support.
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
What do you do when a movie says something itself better than you could ever hope to say it?
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Names Interim President
Campus ministry's No. 2 will continue its commitment to religious freedom on college campuses and racial diversity.
Cancer Causes InterVarsity President Alec Hill to Leave Campus Ministry Early
Major campus ministry 'enters leadership transition.'
Remembering Kara Tippetts and Her ‘Mundane Faithfulness’
Christian mom and blogger saw God in her suffering.
Dancing With Cancer
Suffering and joy are not mutually exclusive. God can be present in both. An excerpt from Peter's book.
When You Don't Know What God Is Up To
Sometimes all you need to know that a gift is good is to know Who gave it to you.
Following Jesus through Cancer: A Final Conversation with Steve Hayner
The former IVCF and Columbia Seminary president spoke with longtime friend Mark Labberton last fall.
Life after a Medical Death Sentence
Theologian J. Todd Billings learns how to travel in cancer's company.
Died: Steve Hayner, Former President of InterVarsity and Columbia Seminary
(UPDATED) The interdenominational leader was 66.
The Day I Became a Man
There is a time for lament, and a time for lament to cease. An excerpt from Peter's new book.
Joy in the Bleak Midwinter
When the weather and the news lead us toward despair, we can still choose to rejoice.
Deadly, Healing Medicine
I had to ingest poison if I hoped to live.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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