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Cristãos solteiros precisam de uma melhor teologia da solteirice ou melhor preparação para relacionamentos?
Como demonstram dois livros recentes, a resposta é: precisamos das duas coisas, juntas (e não apenas para os solteiros.)
Do Single Christians Need a Better Theology of Singleness, or Better Relationship Training?
As two recent books demonstrate, the answer is both—together. (And not only for singles.)
Relationships Don’t Just Happen. They Take Training.
We disciple our young people to love God and to work hard. But relational formation is important, too.
Don’t Diss the Early-Marrieds
Recent research suggests that young couples are doing fine, despite the stereotypes.
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Paid Content for Upward
‘What Kind of Christian Are You?’ and Other Questions for Online Dating
Dating is very, very hard. But these 6 questions make it easier.
更多的福音派信徒在婚前住在一起, 教会领袖们很难做出回应。
更多的福音派信徒在婚前住在一起, 教會領袖們很難做出回應。
The Cohabitation Dilemma Comes for America’s Pastors
More evangelicals are living together before marriage. Church leaders struggle to respond.
Blessed Are the Canceled? Finding Redemption in ‘The Bachelor’ Controversy
For those who choose to listen, there is a godly grief that leads to repentance.
Making Your Church Manlier Won’t Make It Bigger
History tells us that denominational growth has nothing to do with sex ratios in the pews.
Netflix’s ‘Indian Matchmaking’ Offers Wisdom for Christians
Introducing singles can help build the local church.
Eight Prayers for the Online Dating Journey
Here are a few lines to pray before swiping left or right.
In Pandemic and in Health, I Make This Vow
Engaged Americans are grappling with foiled wedding plans. But Christian couples face unique moral challenges.
I Called Off My Engagement. I Didn’t Feel God’s Peace.
Looking for the right fit in a spouse is often less important than praying for the Spirit’s blessing.
What Christians Really Think About the Church’s Relationship Advice
New survey research sheds light on how believers navigate the stickier matters of dating and marriage.
Fitness Trackers, Dating Apps, and Other Ladders to Nowhere
Why secular substitutes for religion will always leave us exhausted and unhappy.
There’s Nothing Sketchy About Cross-Gender Friendships in the Church
Why we shouldn’t let the Billy Graham Rule—or the “Billy Crystal Rule”—define how men and women relate.
Get Thee a Flawed Wife
A letter of encouragement—and realism—to Christian men considering marriage.

Top Story June 18, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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