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Christians Shouldn’t Run from a ‘Negative World.’ But They Can Depend on It Less.
Aaron Renn outlines individual, institutional, and missional strategies for adapting to a hostile culture.
Christian Radio Sues Over Disparity in Streaming Costs
Discrimination case claims that noncommercial religious broadcasters are paying far more than fellow stations to cover royalties for music played online.
Confined to Dirty, Low-Wage Jobs, Pakistani Christians Still Face Persecution and Poverty
Decades ago, converts thought the country would be a refuge from the caste system. Today, they are subject to discrimination, including stricter blasphemy laws.
Love in a Time of Social Conflict
The cross calls us to sacrificial community, especially during a divided age.
Making a Better Christianity Today: An Update
In March, we published on harassment reports at CT. Here are the steps we’ve taken since then.
If You See Something Unjust, Say Something
The new Emmett Till film tells a story of racial apathy that still haunts the church today.
Loretta Lynn: A Coal Miner’s Daughter in the #MeToo Age
The late country music star modeled what church leaders need: A bold willingness to stand up for women.
As a White Pastor, I Submitted to Black Leadership
Here’s how it changed me.
Police Stole My Dignity. God Restored It.
A mistaken raid by Chicago cops sent me on a long path toward redemption.
Pentecostal Nurse Who Refused to Wear Scrub Pants Wins $75K Settlement
After being sued for religious discrimination, the health care provider who rescinded her job offer agreed to provide back pay and damages.
The Ahmaud Arbery Case Equips Me for Advent
As we await full justice with Christ’s return, a guilty verdict only partly satisfies.
Where Ya From?Episode 5|45min
‘Racism and the American Church’ with Jemar Tisby
Jemar Tisby examines the harsh reality of the American church’s involvement with racism.
Christian Virtue Strengthens the Social Justice Cause
Liberation from injustice starts with obedience to God and his moral order.
The Racial Justice Debate Needs Civil Discourse, Not Straw Men
Conversations about equality often lack goodwill. Part of the problem is a newfound fear of common grace.
The CRT Debate Distracts from God’s Justice
In the conflict over racial issues, “just preach the gospel” misses the gospel.
Christian Wedding Site Designer Loses Appeal Case
While a baker from the same state won his challenge, court upholds Colorado anti-discrimination requirements for the owner of a creative agency.
British City Apologizes for Removing Franklin Graham Ads
Updated: Evangelist celebrates “important movement for religious freedom in the UK.”
In the Push for Racial Justice, There’s a Middle Path Between Passivity and Aggression
Real moral suasion is about relationship-building, not browbeating.

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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