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The Derek Chauvin Verdict Is Good. But I’m Still Groaning.
Full justice will come when Jesus returns. In the meantime, we fight for a “foretaste of glory divine.”
Religious Discrimination Complaints Hit 10-Year Low
Workplace accommodation issues persist for Apostolic Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims, and others.
What Pro-Lifers Can Learn from the Planned Parenthood Apology
In the fight against dehumanization, both progressives and conservatives miss the mark.
Not All Christian Professors Are Ministers, Mass. Court Rules
Gordon College loses fight over “ministerial exception” to employment law, but may appeal.
It’s Not Enough to Preach Racial Justice. We Need to Champion Policy Change.
The legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us to push past tweetable quotes and ‘big talk’ to practice true Christlike love.
Palavra de Paulo à polícia: proteja os fracos
Como os cristãos negros há muito entenderam, o Novo Testamento tem uma forte teologia de aplicação da lei.
경찰을 향한 사도 바울의 말: 약자를 보호하십시오
흑인 그리스도인들이 오랫동안 이해해 온 것처럼, 신약에는 강력한 법 집행에 관한 신학이 있다.
In This Fraught Racial Moment, We Need a Refresher on Human Depravity
We also need a reminder of God’s radical grace.
Paul’s Word to Police: Protect the Weak
As black Christians have long understood, the New Testament has a strong theology of law enforcement.
Where Two or More Are Gathered, the First Amendment Should Protect Them
Why voluntary organizations deserve the same rights to speech, religion, and assembly as individuals.
불타고 있는 이 나라에 성령의 불길이 필요하다
오순절의 메시지에서 인종 차별로 갈라진 미국의 교회가 내야 할 목소리를 발견하다.
Supreme Court Extends LGBT Anti-Discrimination Protections
Legal experts worry that ruling in landmark workplace discrimination cases can’t provide the nuanced exemptions evangelicals have advocated for.
I Have Only One Hope for Racial Justice: A God Who Conquered Death
Christians coming to terms with racism need to be re-enchanted by the Resurrection.
Bangsa yang Menyala-nyala Membutuhkan kobaran Api Roh Kudus
Di saat rasisme mengobrak-abrik negara ini, pesan di hari Pentakosta dapat membantu gereja menentukan suaranya.
Una nación en llamas necesita el Fuego del Espíritu
A medida que el racismo destroza al país, el mensaje de Pentecostés puede ayudar a la Iglesia a encontrar su voz.
Uma nação em chamas precisa do fogo do Espírito
À medida que o racismo despedaça o país, a mensagem do Pentecostes pode ajudar a igreja a encontrar sua voz.

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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