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Marketing to Christians a Violation of Human Rights
Plus: Nicholas Kristof on Chinese house churches, another Episcopal church bolts, and more articles from online sources around the world.
Equal Opportunity Divestment
Plus: Trying to make sense of these church conventions, Daystar tries to buy KOCE once again, and more articles from online sources around the world.
Stand Up, Stand Up for Wicca
A war widow rightly wonders: Whose freedom are we fighting for?
An Ugly Phoenix Reborn
European anti-Semitism is more widespread than has been let on.
Clergy Can Sue for Discrimination, Appeals Court Says
Plus: Does natural family planning kill babies? Another priest's satanic murder, a second Texas church discipline case goes to court, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Military Culture War
Armed services debate prayer 'in Jesus' name.'
Admissions: Rejected
Christian school sues University of California over requirements.
Choose Life' License Plates Hit Red Lights, Green Lights
Courts differ on whether messages are state or individual speech.
Fear Not the Disabled
We all benefit when people with disabilities are valued in our churches.
Faith Test Okayed
University says Christian group can require beliefs, behavior of its members.
No Overt Discrimination'
Air Force Academy cleared, but some faulted for insensitivity.
Christian Dalits Fight Bias
Seek benefits withheld by government.
Women Against Wal-Mart
Sex-discrimination charges constitute the largest-ever class action lawsuit against a private employer.
No Compromise
Christian school in Colorado alleges discrimination in voucher program.
Will the American Bar Association Bar Judges as Scout Leaders?
Plus: Senate leader vs. EU vs. Arab League on Darfur genocide, Mrs. Bush vs. Kerry/Edwards on stem cells, and Luis Palau in the Twin Cities.
Army Facing Battle on Benefits
Domestic partners dispute may cripple Salvation Army-New York link.
Blessed Are the Lukewarm
Religion is okay with the courts, so long as it doesn't mean anything.
Out in the Cold?
Salvation Army sued for asking employees to support its mission
Day of Prayer Breakfast Canceled Over Inclusiveness Debate
Plus: Students suspended for T-shirts opposing homosexuality, the Supreme Court's controversial rejection of the VMI prayer case, debunking The DaVinci Code and Hitler's Pope, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Supreme Court Turns Down Boy Scouts Case
Plus: Concerned Women for America loses another leader, and other stories from online sources around the world.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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